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"A fer la mà" Fan

"A fer la mà" Fan

Regular price 7.90 €
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If it's hot, then we fan ourselves and a fer la mà. This expression, which you can use in multiple occasions, will help you send the heat and the humidity of this summer far, far away. A fer la mà! Never better said, because you will have to use your hands well for it to be effective...

Valencia has expressions that we would take to the church, although for the moment we have made fans with them. To combat the climate warming, nothing better than leaving batteries and electricity aside and using wood and fabric instead. And if on top of that we cause a few laughs along the way, well, hey, perfect!

Text in Valencian.

Materials: bamboo and fabric. Measurements: 40 x 21 cm.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Mónica Todoli Savall

Moltes gràcies pels “palmitos”!
Prompte els estrenarem!!
El detall de la vostra targeta manuscrita donant les gràcies… una passada!!
Ja vos he recomanat!
Espere que vos vaja molt bé.
Gràcies i fins la pròxima!!

¡Moltes gràcies, Mónica!
Ens ha fet molta ilussió el teu comentari <3
Esperem que ja els hàgeu estrenat, un beset :D

Sergio José Jiménez Ruiz

Abanico A fer la mà

¡Gracias! ٩(˘◡˘)۶