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A Fer la Mà T-Shirt for Women

A Fer la Mà T-Shirt for Women

Regular price 15.00 €
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If you live in the Comunitat Valenciana or have ever visited us, you will have heard the famous expression A FER LA MÀ! Do you know what it means? It is a key phrase in Valencia, Alicante and Castellón, very useful for many occasions. There are few things that unite the entire Comunitat Valenciana and the expression A FER LA MÀ is one of them.

If you say it with anger it could be a kind of "f*** off". But many times it is said in a more festive way and is equivalent to "hakuna matata" or "carpe diem". It is also used when a site is far away. If something is a fer la mà, it means that it is far far away. A fer la mà is where we send those of us who don't want to have around more time. And it also serves to settle discussions and make final decisions.

This t-shirt was the first that existed with this expression. It is a design of our own that we made in 2009, even before opening Gnomo in Valencia, and that has proven to be as timeless as the phrase it wears. The t-shirt has become an icon of Valencian design, appearing, for example, in the news of the closure of regional television Channel 9 in 2013. And the exclamation A FER LA MÀ is claiming more and more as part of the identity of La Terreta.

The design is a nod to the famous poster of the Russian avant-garde photographer Aleksandr Rodchenko in which avant-garde filmmaker Lilia Brik screaming really loud.

Designed by Gnomo but not A FER LA MÀ but right here, in the Valencian Country.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Elisabet V.P.

Va ser veure-la i no me'n vaig poder estar de comprar-la.
Enviament super ràpid; al dia següent ja la tenia a les mans.

Què guai que t'hagi agradat tant, Elisabet. Es nota que eres gent de categoria! Moltes gràcies i una abraçada forta.

Ana Parra
Compraremos de nuevo

Las camisetas nos encantaron,buena calidad/precio y llegaron muy rápido,vivimos en el extranjero.

Cristina Sansone
hola chicos!

na verdad no és una opinion hahaha! és que quiero la camiseta A FER LA MÁ XLl que todavia ha marcado para comprar aqui en la web; pero vivo muy cerca de vosotros, y aunque ha comprado unos regalos de navidad aí y tals! tu poderias hacer esse favor para mi!? mañana me voy a la tienda, ok!? muchas gracias,

Hola, Cristina :wave::slightly_smiling: Claro. Puedes compralo online y elegir la opcion: “Recogida en tienda.” Así ya es tuya y vienes a recogerla con calma cuando quieras :wink::ok_hand: